Funded services

Individual coaching - Family with a Job!
Funding according to section 45 (1) sentence 1 SGB III no. 1 (AVGS) - Introduction to the training and employment market
The coaching "Family with a Job!" consists of a maximum of 100 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching. Free individual child care during the coaching sessions can be provided.
In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and your personal schedule are determined.
During the course of the coaching you will acquire the tools to combine your family life with a career and apply them practically with the support of your coach.
At the end you will evaluate the coaching together and agree on the next steps.
< class="panel-title">Module 1: Activation for the job (60 lessons)>
Organising a family - understanding of your individual life circumstances, gaining an overview of the possibilities of child care, managing everyday life, building networks, mobilisation in everyday life and at work
Health promotion - developing a healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy diet, helping to achieve emotional resilience, identifying sources for external support in case personal problems arise, identifying individual strategies for stress management and relaxation.
Professional life - identifying individual strategies to develop and maintain your motivation as well as your time-management and your personal management, support and advice for job-related appointments
< class="panel-title">Module 2: Job application coaching for parents (40 lesson)>
Understanding the individual job applicant's situation todate
Planning your professional career, setting goals and priorities
Determining your individual strategies to job search and job application
Getting to know the regional employment market
Online, telephone and written application
Preparing your individual application documents
Styling and photos for your job applications
Preparing for job interviews and follow-up
Specifying and planning the next steps
Whole modules or specific contents can also be booked individually.
Individual coaching - Job application coaching
Funded according to Section 45 (1) sentence 1 SGB III no. 1 (AVGS) - Introduction to the training and employment market
The application coaching comprises a maximum of 56 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching. In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and the schedule are determined.
During the course of the coaching you will acquire the tools for your professional development or reorientation and apply them practically with the support of your coach.
At the end you will evaluate the coaching together and determine future steps.
< class="panel-title">Module 1: Mapping the employment market (10 lessons)>
- Understanding the individual job applicant's situation to date
- Gaining an overview of occupations and occupational sectors and getting to know the regional training and labour market
- Planning your professional career, setting goals and priorities
- Specifying and planning the next steps
< class="panel-title">Module 2: Selling yourself (8 lessons)>
- Identifying individual strategies to develop and maintain your motivation as well as your time-management, your personal management and self-marketing
- Determining individual strategies for job searches and applications
< class="panel-title">Module 3: Individual applications (20 lessons)>
- Creating personal cover letters, CVs and professional profiles, preparing your individual application documents
- Styling and photos for your job applications
- Online, telephone and written application
< class="panel-title">Module 4: Prepare for job interviews and assessment centers (18 lessons)>
- Preparing for job interviews and follow-up
- Preparing for assessment centers and follow-up
Whole modules or specific contents can also be booked individually.

Individual coaching - Language coaching for the job search
Funded according to Section 45 (1) sentence 1 SGB III no. 2 (AVGS) - Identification, reduction or elimination of work place impediments
The "Language coaching for the job search" comprises a maximum of 160 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching.
In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and the schedule are determined.
During the course of the coaching you will acquire the linguistic skills for your job applications and your professional development in Germany.
At the end you evaluate the coaching together and agree on the next steps.
< class="panel-title">Module 1: German for your applications (80 lessons)>
- The German training and labour market - the German vocational training system, occupational profiles in Germany - sectors, contents, admission requirements, getting to know the regional labour market
- Applying in German - reading and understanding job advertisements, German for online, telephone and written applications, presenting oneself in German, German for your personal cover letter, CV and third page, preparation and follow-up of job interviews and assessment centres.
< class="panel-title">Module 2: German for your professional life (40 lessons)>
- Oral communication skills with managers, colleagues and customers - personal interactions, discussions and telephone calls
- Written communication skills with managers, colleagues and customers - business letters, memos, minutes, notes and emails
- Culture-specific body language and cunduct sensitivity in various professional situations
< class="panel-title">Module 3: Preparation for vocational language examinations (40 lessons)>
Preparing for entrance examination of the medical associations for dental or medical professions, explanation of the test format, the evaluation criteria and topics, intensive practice, test examinations
Whole modules or specific contents can also be booked individually.
Lower secondary school leaving certificate with introductory professional knowledge and experience in the care of the elderly or logistics
Funding according to Section 81 SGB III (BGS)
Start: 30.08.2021, End: 30.05.2022
As a participant you will engage in a face-to-face course consisting of 160 days with 8 teaching units of 45 minutes each.
You will be intensively prepared for the written and oral examinations required for the Lower secondary school leaving certificate in Saxony-Anhalt. The examinations themselves take place externally in a secondary school in Halle (Saale).
In addition to preparing for the exams, you will acquire basic knowledge in care of the elderly or logistics, which you can apply in a subsequent internship.
The maximum group size is 15 participants. This enables intensive support, ranging from individual tutoring to personalized support.
The lessons are given by teachers and specialist trainers. The extra-curricular support is provided by trained social pedagogues.
< class="panel-title">Preparation for the lower secondary school leaving certificate>
Basics, advanced lessons and exam preparation in the following subjects: German, mathematics, biology, geography and social education
< class="panel-title">Care of the elderly>
Care sector - job descriptions and legal foundations, basics of nursing, health promotion, communication in nursing, first aid
< class="panel-title">Logistics>
Health and safety regulations, receiving, storing, processing, maintaining and loading goods, forklift license
< class="panel-title">Internship>
4-week internship in the care of the elderly or logistics

Medical Assistant
Funding according to section 81 SGB III (BGS)
Start: 01.02.2021, End: 31.01.2023
Access requirements: General education school leaving certificate and completed vocational training in a different profession
The course is full-time and is divided into two days of theoretical instruction in the classroom and three days of practical training per week. The theoretical instruction on Mondays and Tuesdays comprises 8 lessons per day starting at 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.; during the practical part of the training you will be expected to work 8 hours a day.
The maximum group size is 20 participants.
Theoretical learning is provided by trained teachers and specialist lecturers. The practical supervision is carried out by the respective responsible instructor/mentor in your workplace. You will have a course coordinator who will be responsible for all aspects of your training.
The intermediate and final examinations are conducted by the Medical Association of Saxony-Anhalt in Magdeburg.
< class="panel-title">Learning fields 1-4>
Learning field 1 - Orientation in the profession and health care: Legal foundations, occupational health and safety, vocational training
Learning field 2 - Welcoming and accompanying patients: Communication, negotiations, resolution of conflicts, medical accounting, contract law
Learning field 3 - Organising practice hygiene and protection against infectious diseases: Hygiene, immunisation, complying with legal requirements
Learning field 4 - Assisting in the diagnosis and therapy of musculoskeletal diseases: Disease presentations, clinical management, medication awareness, remedies and appliances
< class="panel-title">Learning fields 5-8>
Learning field 5 - Preventing incidents and providing assistance in emergency situations: First aid course
Learning field 6 - Procuring and managing goods: Determining demand, procuring and managing goods, accounting
Learning field 7 - Organising the workflow in a medical practice: Appointment management, workforce management, quality assurance, data protection
Learning field 8 - Accompanying patients during diagnostic and therapeutic management of diseases of the urogenital system: Disease presentations, clinical management, medication awareness, remedies and appliances, laboratory technology, pregnancy and birth
< class="panel-title">Learning fields 9-12>
Learning field 9 - Accompanying patients during diagnostic and therapeutic management of diseases of the digestive system: Disease presentations, clinical management, medication awareness, remedies and appliances, ultrasound, psychosomatics
Learning field 10 - Accompanying patients during minor surgical treatments, wound care: Types of wounds, local anaesthesia, instrumentation, assistance and follow-up
Learning field 11 - Prevention: Vaccinations, health screenings, non-standard individual health services and additional payments
Learning field 12 - Developing career prospects: Occupational fields, further training, opportunities for employment and promotion, alternative areas
Cross-curricular: Communication, professional English, P.E.
Individual Coaching - Accompanied employment
Funding according to section 45 (1) sentence 1 SGB III no. 5 (AVGS) - Stabilisation of employment
The Coaching "Accompanied employment" consists of a maximum of 65 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching.
In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and the time schedule are determined.
During the course of the coaching, you will acquire the tools to stabilise your new employment and apply them practically with the support of your coach.
At the end you will evaluate the coaching together and agree on the next steps.
< class="panel-title">Time-management and personal management>
identifying individual strategies to combine your family life with a career
- managing everyday life
- building networks
- mobilisation in everyday life and at work
- identifying individual strategies to develop and maintain your motivation as well as your time-management and your personal management
< class="panel-title">Health promotion>
- developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
- helping to achieve emotional resilience
- identifying individual strategies for stress management and relaxation
- identifying sources for external support in case personal problems arise
< class="panel-title">Professional life>
- dealing with employers, colleagues and customers
- managing conflicts in the workplace
< class="panel-title">Individual support>
- support and advice for job-related appointments
- socio-pedagogical support
- support with formal communication and correspondence
- assistance with forms and applications (housing allowance, child supplement,...)

Individual coaching for business start-ups
Funding according to Section 45 (1) sentence 1 of SGB III No. 4 (AVGS) - Introduction to self-employment
The individual start-up coaching comprises a maximum of 56 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching.
In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and the schedule are determined. During the course of the coaching you will acquire the tools to successfully start your own business or to make your existing start-up business more successful. At the end you will evaluate the coaching together and determine future steps.
< class="panel-title">Module 1: Analysis of potential (8 lessons)>
- Personal and professional requirements for self-employment
- Review of personal and professional competence
- Analysis of possible professional experience and further training
- Personnel and Outsourcing
< class="panel-title">Module 2: Market analysis (8 lessons)>
- Tried-and-tested working aids and tools for independent market analysis
- Methods of information gathering
- General conditions
- Analyses of sector, target group, competition and sales
< class="panel-title">Module 3: Corporate strategy (8 lessons)>
- Vision and corporate goals
- Utilising personal strengths and market opportunities
- Various tools for product, price, communication and distribution policy
- Developing a successful corporate strategy
< class="panel-title">Module 4: Financial planning and business plan (16 lessons)>
- Business plan as an instrument for success
- Financial planning
- Equity and external capital
- Support and funding programmes for business start-ups
- Equity requirements, sales and cost planning
- Controlling and risk management
< class="panel-title">Module 5: Marketing and acquisition planning (8 lessons)>
- Marketing strategies, direct marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, print advertising
- Pricing
- Customer contact, loyalty and satisfaction
< class="panel-title">Module 6: Preparing the start-up (8 lessons)>
- Effective time management, time eaters, types of work
- Communication and presentation training, negotiations
- Management and accounting
- Choice of location
Whole modules or specific contents can also be booked individually.
Individual coaching - Finding perspectives
Funded according to Section 45 (1) sentence 1 of SGB III No. 1 and 2 (AVGS) - Introduction to the training and employment market and Identification, reduction or elimination of work placement impediments
The coaching "Finding perspectives" comprises a maximum of 74 lessons of 45 minutes each and takes place as individual coaching.
In the initial interview with your coach, the individual contents of the coaching and the schedule are determined. During the course of the coaching you will receive support and acquire the skills you need to reintegrate into the employment market. As part of the coaching you can gain up to four weeks of work experience.
< class="panel-title">Module 1: Socio-pedagogical support (24 units)>
- Understanding your individual life circumstances
- Identifying problem areas and sources for external support
- Finding individual strategies for stress management and relaxation
- Helping to achieve emotional resilience
< class="panel-title">Module 2: Creating perspectives and self-management (18 units)>
- Gathering your own ideas and prerequesites and matching them with the requirements and possibilities of the regional job market
- Planning your professional career, setting goals and priorities
- Determining your individual strategies for motivation, time and self management and for managing everyday life
< class="panel-title">Module 3: Preparation for the labour market (16 units)>
- Understanding your individual application situation todate
- Online, written and telephone applications
- Styling and photos for your job applications
- Preparation for job interviews and follow-up
< class="panel-title">Module 4: Work experience (16 units)>
- 80 hours work experience
- 16 teaching units of accompanying socio-pedagogical support
- Support with external communication and correspondence
- Assistance with applications for social benefits
- Dealing with employers, colleagues and customers
- Advice and assistance in conflicts at the workplace
- Support and advice for job-related appointments
The modules or certain contents can also be booked individually.